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文章来源:轮胎商业网     发布日期:(2015-10-16)          

米其林在国际汽联 (FIA) 的招标中一举夺魁,将为FIA电动方程式锦标赛提供轮胎及相关服务。这意味着米其林将继续成为电动方程式锦标赛的独家轮胎供应商,直至2018/2019赛季结束。




我们很高兴被FIA再次选中,能够继续投身于电动方程式锦标赛,米其林全球赛事总监顾鞍龙 (Pascal Couasnon) 表示,“电动方程式锦标赛是一个绝佳的实验室,有利于城市可持续交通运输的创新发展,米其林正积极把握这一千载难逢的机会。事实上,我们为电动方程式锦标赛所设计的米其林Pilot Sport EV也是世界赛车运动史上一款革命性的轮胎,受到所有参赛车手和车队的称赞。”


与传统的赛车轮胎相比,米其林Pilot Sport EV至少有三方面优势。单座赛车运动首次配备了18英寸的轮胎,拥有卓越性能且时尚外观外,也充分体现了米其林将新技术运用于民用轮胎的决心。同时,胎面花纹的设计使米其林Pilot Sport EV具有前所未有的广泛性,确保轮胎的性能在干湿路况下都具有竞争力。最后,也是非常重要的一点,车手只需要一套轮胎就可以完成全天比赛(练习赛和正赛)。


米其林Pilot Sport EV的卓越性能秉承了米其林全能表现这一核心理念。这一理念使得米其林轮胎具有全面出众的表现,且在性能上没有任何妥协。为此,米其林的赛事工程师同时专注于轮胎的各个构成要素,例如胎体结构、材料和断面。


FIA在招标声明中明确要求比赛所适用的轮胎在干湿路况下都能保持同样性能,”米其林电动方程式项目经理Serge Grisin称,“这最初是米其林 Pilot Sport EV 的创新特点,如今已成为赛事管理机构对轮胎的必然要求。这进一步展示了米其林的开拓精神。”


最近,在法兰克福车展上米其林集团展出了最新的米其林Pilot Sport 4。这款民用轮胎的胎面花纹设计灵感正是来自于米其林为FIA电动方程式锦标赛所设计的轮胎。









(English version)

Formula E: the FIA (Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile)

renews its confidence in Michelin


Michelin has been successful in the tender process instigated by the FIA (Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile) with a view to providing the FIA Formula E Championship with tyres and associated services. This means that the French firm will continue to be the championship’s exclusive supplier until the end of the 2018/2019 season.


Michelin has served as a Technical Partner to Formula E since the championship’s creation after distinguishing itself during the FIA’s initial selection process in 2013 thanks notably to the company’s expertise in the design and manufacture of energy-efficient, high-performance tyres.


“We are delighted to have been selected by the FIA once again and to be able to continue our involvement in this competition which Michelin helped to found,” says Pascal Couasnon, Director of Michelin Motorsport. “Formula E is a superb laboratory to foster innovation in the field of durable mobility in cities and built-up areas and Michelin is actively exploiting this golden opportunity. Indeed, the tyre we designed for Formula E - the MICHELIN Pilot Sport EV - is revolutionary in the world of motor racing and has been acclaimed by all the championship’s drivers and teams.”


The MICHELIN Pilot Sport EV stands out from conventional racing tyres in at least three ways. It is the first single-seater car to compete on 18-inch tyres which favour performance, look smart and permit the rapid carry-over of new technologies to Michelin road tyres. At the same time, the MICHELIN Pilot Sport EV boasts unprecedented versatility thanks to its patterned tread which ensures competitive performance in dry and wet conditions alike. Last but by no means least, the drivers only need a single set to cover race-day practice and the race itself.


The MICHELIN Pilot Sport EV owes its unprecedented qualities to the MICHELIN Total Performance strategy which prevailed during its design. This approach allows tyres to pack a broad spectrum of performance-related parameters without having to make any compromises. To achieve this result, Michelin Motorsport’s engineers work on all the elements that make up tyres at the same time, i.e. their casing, the materials they employ and their profile.


“The FIA stipulated this ability to perform just as well on a wet surface as a dry one in the tender brief,” notes Serge Grisin, Manager of Michelin’s Formula E programme. “What started out as an innovative feature of the MICHELIN Pilot Sport EV tyre has gone on to become a prerequisite demanded by the sport’s ruling body. This is a further sign of Michelin’s pioneering spirit.”


The Michelin Group recently presented the new MICHELIN Pilot Sport 4 at the Frankfurt Motor Show. The tread pattern of this road tyre takes its inspiration from the tyre designed by Michelin for the FIA Formula E Championship.

(from Michelin)

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