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文章来源:轮胎商业网     发布日期:(2014-12-08)          







日宏轮胎张总:我们的贸易伙伴主要在东南亚,中东,中亚和南美等国家和地区。在这些国家和地区,我们都已进行了“TOYOMOTO”商标注册。2011年也在中国也注册了中文的“日宏”商标。但我们没有尝试过在美国注册,因为公司的发展规划中没有考虑美国市场。公司的注册商标还包括: TIREBOT, 移山M&M等。

中国轮胎商业网:既然提到了美国市场和商标注册,我们就不得不想到近日比较敏感的话题“日宏轮胎涉商标侵权 在美遭东洋轮胎起诉”一事,具体情况是什么?




“TOYOMOTO”商标原创的灵感来自于日本战国时期真实的历史人物---毛利丰元将军(MORI TOYOMOTO,1444-1476),即后来享有盛誉、被后人称为“战国第一智将”的毛利元就的祖父),此名字中,“丰元”的日语发音正是“TOYOMOTO”。 商标“TOYOMOTO” 是根据真实历史人物独创而来,有着很长的历史渊源,在维基百科中可检索到详尽的信息。

说“TOYOMOTO”侵权也比较可笑,全世界都非常知名的汽车品牌“TOYOTA”中文翻译是“丰田”, 可见,在日语中“丰”发音就是TOYO。如果东洋轮胎认为“TOYOMOTO”侵犯了“TOYO”的商标权,那么是不是认为相似度更高的“TOYOTA”也侵犯了他们的商标权呢?







日宏轮胎张总:我们虽然很重视在国内的营销,但是目前国际市场是我们最大的舞台。目前国内的市场还不够规范:经销商间的价格战、铺垫,拖欠货款、无品牌忠诚度等都是影响和制约品牌在国内推广的因素。但是我们在北京地区开始了零售加批发的试点。TOYOMOTO轮胎销售和服务地点在十八里店南桥。店面的名称叫- 年轮!


日宏轮胎胎张总: 非常感谢,中国轮胎商业网是国内最为专业的轮胎网站,我们每天都会关注。祝你们越办越好。

中国轮胎商业网: 谢谢您,愿你们的轮胎生意越来越好,任何问题随时联系我们,再见。

Special Interview with TOYOMOTO Tire in Beijing

On December 4, 2014, Chinatiredealer Media Center(CTD) editor was invited by TOYOMOTO (TYM) tire to her Beijing company for interviews.

CTD: Enter our company office area, the tires flavor feel very strong .Our company in the development of the tire industry has deep roots, right?

TYM(Mr. Zhang - president ): Japan Toyomoto Tire Corp. invested and managed by Kabusiki Gaisha Tokyo Nihoon Rubber Corp. a duly registered Japanese company in 1985, specializes in manufacturing and marketing of tire products, tires registered brand "TOYOMOTO". Toyomoto Tires work closely with many enterprises in domestic and abroad for now, using Japanese technology and process of rubber tires. The tire product range includes PCR, TBR, SAND AND OTR etc.

CTD: Could you please interpret the relationship between Beijing Toyomoto and Japan Toyomoto?

TYM: Beijing Toyomoto is an independent company by the industrial and commercial registration, and in a few years ago bought Japan Toyomoto, currently its holding. Japan Toyomoto major partners is closely engaged in tire and rubber technology R&D and production, while Beijing Toyomoto is a trade center, mainly for overseas markets, the domestic market is also considered.

CTD: Since the company's handling main export business, so the main market runs in which countries?

TYM: Our main trading partners in Southeast Asia, Middle East, Central Asia andSouth Americaand other countries and regions. We have registered in "TOYOMOTO" trademark in these countries. 2011 also in China for "Rihong" to do trademark registration, but we don't have tried to register in USA, cause the USA market is not in our Development planning. Registered trademark of company also include: TIREBOT, Yishan M&M etc.

CTD: As you mentioned the US market and the trademark registration, we have to think of the recent sensitive topic "Toyomoto tires in the United States was involved in trademark infringement prosecution Toyo Tires" issue, what is the specific situation?

TYM: This may be because we showed "TOYOMOTO" products in the USA SEMA Exhibition in Nov. As I mentioned above, there is non USA market development plan of the company in, therefore, we think this approach is obviously too allergic TOYO. Currently, TOYOMOTO has authorized its lawyers in China and the USA and TOYO lawyers negotiate, hoping to achieve mutually beneficial results. 

CTD: For the "trademark infringement" case seems you have a well-thought-out plan of...

TYM: Our company in November 7, 2011 in China successfully registered "TOYOMOTO" trademark, registration No. 8734736, and in June 8, 2012 successfully registered "TOYOMOTO" trademark in Japan, registration No. 5499703. Therefore, we have the right to use that in Chinese and Japanese legal trademark, the trademark "TOYOMOTO" has obtained the legal protection in the two countries. And in many other countries we have submitted the application for trademark registration, waiting for the successful stage.

"TOYOMOTO" trademark originality inspired by Japan's Warring States period of real historical figures --- MaoLifengYuan generals (MORI TOYOMOTO, 1444-1476), which later became renowned, was later known as the "Warring States first wisdom of" Mori Motonari's grandfather), this name, "Feng yuan" is the Japanese pronunciation of "TOYOMOTO".  Trademark "TOYOMOTO" is based on real historical figures from the original, has a long history in Wikipedia can retrieve detailed information.

Says "TOYOMOTO" infringement is relatively funny, very well-known all over the world automotive brand "TOYOTA" Chinese translation is "Feng Tian", it can be seen in Japanese, "Feng" pronunciation is TOYO.  If TOYO Tires thinks "TOYOMOTO" violating " TOYO" trademark, it is not also think that "TOYOTA" is another violation of their trademark?

We know that, TOYO sued many companies of China in various reasons since last year. I hope partners abroad believe TOYOMOTO is legally registered brand, for any confusion and disruption, we should united with legal to defend our rights.

CTD: Trademark registration is the process of a long wait, the relevant departments to go one by one review, the trademark can not easy to be registered, it's quite strict. Since "TOYOMOTO" trademark registered in many countries, and that it is in compliance in these countries.

TYM: Yes, TOYOMOTO is a trademark of our original, owned and legally registered. In USA, we have not tried to register as I reiterated before, we just have no plan to go to USA registration and marketing, therefore, TOYO to TOYOMOTO prosecution in USA is big deal, make trouble out of nothing.

CTD: Then the marketing direction is still outside the country in addition to American?

TYM: Our Chinese thought, Amicability makes your wealth. The original plan no USA, there is thing more determined it. We pay more attention to other markets.

CTD: Do we have any plans for Chinese marketing?

TYM: Although we attach importance to internal market, but the current international market is our biggest stage. Now the domestic market is not in order, promoting factors including the price wars between dealers, delay payment, no brand loyalty etc. TOYOMO started retail-wholesale store in Beijing named Nianlun, the location at Shibalidian South Bridge.

CTD: Looking forward to TOYOMOTO tire market will develop faster and stronger in the future.

TYM: Thank you very much, the http://www.chinatiredealer.com is the most professional tire business website, we use it every day. I wish her development better and better.

CTD: Thanks a lot, I wish your tire business getting better and stronger, any questions feel free to contact us.



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